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Ancient literary urban legend tells us that Fleur Jaeggy spent a year meditating face down in an open field to remember where she would one day be going.
(That's not true. No one said that.)

I am calmly watching things occur beyond my control.

This is a stock image meant to portray a 'design book'
yes, that's right. it is a design about the fact that that people make books about design.

but let's look closer.
my mother is going to find this page one day and text me asking me if I'm OK. (Yes, I'm OK.)

No, that's too close.
can we back up a little?

the name of this book is:
and it was made by someone named
'Nicol Rider'

...but there aren't any horses
and there's no
nicol rider.

I've looked.
No luck yet.
OH, wait...

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