Oh look here are some bios...
Extremely short: Catherine Lacey is the author of five books.
Very short: Catherine Lacey is the author of five books, most recently Biography of X. In May 2025, she will publish The Möbius Book, a work on nonfiction.
Short: Catherine Lacey is author of the novels Biography of X, Pew, Nobody Is Ever Missing, and The Answers, as well as the story collection Certain American States. Her work has been translated into a dozen languages and earned numerous accolades. In May 2025, she will publish The Möbius Book, a work on nonfiction. She lives in México.
Medium: Catherine Lacey is author of Biography of X, Pew, Nobody Is Ever Missing, The Answers, and Certain American States. Her honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Whiting Award, a fellowship from The Cullman Center, the Young Lions Fiction Award, an O. Henry, and the Brooklyn Public Library Book Award. Her books have been translated into a dozen languages including Japanese and Persian. The Möbius Book, her first book of nonfiction, is forthcoming from FSG in 2025. She lives in México with her husband.
Long: Catherine Lacey is author of the novels Biography of X, Pew, Nobody Is Ever Missing, and The Answers, as well as the story collection Certain American States. Her honors include a fellowship at The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, a Guggenheim Fellowship, The Brooklyn Book Prize, a Whiting Award, an O. Henry Award, the Young Lions Fiction Award, and the Lesbian Fiction Award from Lambda. She was named one of Granta Magazine's Best Young American Novelists in 2017, was twice short-listed for the Dylan Thomas Prize, and has published with magazines such as Harper's, McSweeney's, The New Yorker, and The Yale Review. Her books have been translated into a dozen languages including Japanese and Persian. In June 2025, she will publish her first book of nonfiction, The Möbius Book, followed by a second collection of short stories, My Stalkers. She lives in México with her husband.
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Photos by Willy Somma, New York, 2022:

Photo by John Vanderslice,
Mexico City 2022.

Photos by Lawrence Ageyi, Chicago, 2020: